Module I - Introduction To Investing
Aristoteles admonitionis persecuti varietatem tantam contemnendis dictata est alias genere regem morbos iste
Module II - Investment Basics
Module III - Stock Fundamentals | Part-1
Module IV - Stock Fundamentals | Part-2
Module V - Investing Psychology
Module VI - How to start?
Stock Screeners
Stock screeners are online tools that help investors filter through stocks and identify the ones that meet their specific investment criteria.
Some widely used screeners are:
Yahoo Finance
Google Finance
For example, you may want to look for stocks with a P/E ratio of less than 15, a market cap of more than $10 billion, and a forward dividend yield of more than 3%.
Stock screeners are online tools that help investors filter through stocks and identify the ones that meet their specific investment criteria.
Some widely used screeners are:
Yahoo Finance
Google Finance
For example, you may want to look for stocks with a P/E ratio of less than 15, a market cap of more than $10 billion, and a forward dividend yield of more than 3%.